Woodworking Shop

Size: 2,500 to 3,000 Sq. Ft. | Budget: <$3,500/mo. | Location: Richmond | Target Area: Manchester, Bon Air, Tuckahoe, Dumbarton | Business Age: <5 Years | Financials Available: Yes | Funded: Yes | Guarantor: Yes | Company Type: LLC | Commencement: ~June 2023 | Additional Needs: Mostly Warehouse, some small attached office would work

Engineering Firm

Size: 3,500 to 4,500 Sq. Ft. | Budget: <$4,500/mo. | Location: Chesterfield or Powhatan | Target Area: Midlothian | Business Age: 10+ Years | Financials Available: Yes | Funded: Yes | Guarantor: Negotiable | Company Type: LLC | Commencement: Negotiable | Additional Needs: Flex space with mostly warehouse, at least 1 drive-in bay door