Wellness Center

Size: 2,500 to 3,500 Sq. Ft. | Budget: <$6,000/mo. | Location: Henrico | Target Area: Tuckahoe, Raintree, Dumbarton | Business Age: New | Financials Available: No | Funded: Yes | Guarantor: Yes | Company Type: LLC | Commencement: Immediate | Additional Needs: 24/7 Access, Private Setting, Ample Parking, Free Standing Preferred

Crossfit Gym

Size: 2,500 to 3,500 Sq. Ft. | Budget: <$5,000/mo. | Location: Chesterfield | Target Area: Western Midlothian | Business Age: New | Financials Available: No | Funded: Personal | Guarantor: Yes | Company Type: N/A | Commencement: 3 to 6 months | Additional Needs: Roll up door preferred, industrial look preferred